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Handling Errors

You will likely encounter errors are some point during your use of the API. This documentation lists all the potential errors that can occur during a request.

Error formatting

Errors will be returned, as with any request, JSON-encoded in the body of the response. All errors follow a simple basic formatting. All errors that following this format will have a X-API-Schema header with the value of json-error.

"error": {
"code": "widget_not_found", // ⬅ As specified in the docs
"description": "Widget was not found matching arguments",
"detail": {
// ... Any additional fields specified for the error ...

Global errors

The following errors are not documented on each request but you may encounter them.

  • route_not_found - no route was found matching the path & request method provided.
  • unhandled_exception - an server-side error occurred which needs to be resolved by the development team. We have been notified.