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Virtual Machine Builds

Virtual machines are built asynchronously on Katapult. This means when a service is created in WHMCS, it will call to Katapult and ask it to build a VM. At this point, there is no VM, but the service is considered active. There is a task which runs on the WHMCS cron (which should be called as often as possible, usually every 5 minutes) which will call back to Katapult to check if the VM is built. When the VM is built, the initial root password, hostname, IP addresses and VM ID will be persisted to the WHMCS database.

The issue raised with this, is WHMCS considers the service active when the build has been requested. It will then send the services welcome email (if configured). That's not useful if you want to include the VM's IP address or hostname, as WHMCS doesn't know it at that point. This problem can be solved by using a hook to send the services welcome email and disabling the default welcome email in WHMCS on the products settings.